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Video from France

During a vote next to the ballot box was Flavien Termet, a 20-year-old deputy from Le Pen's party.

When the left voted, they denied him a greeting and taunted him.

Those who talk about tolerance...

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I just received a contract for part-time work. It's not going to be enough by itself, but there's also some other money on the way.

The plan is to Contract-to-hire. But if I can get through the present crisis, there may be enough of a life raft to make it to a more "permanent" solution.

If not, there's always plan A.

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Case Against Bill Gates in the Netherlands allowed to move forward
The court that will hear the case has ruled it has jurisdiction over Gates to hear the case

According to this Tweet, RFK Jr. has announced that BIll Gates has “been indicted in the Netherlands for lying to the public about the Covid vaccine.”

Blindspot has 2 sources for this story, one of which embeds a Tweet that has an image of a document which does not contain Gate's name in said image.

According to this link, there was a lawsuit against Gates that Gates had filed an objection to claiming htat he was not subject to the jurisdiction of the court where the suit has been brought. But the court has ruled that yes, in fact, they do have jurisdiction.

Will update the story as it develops.

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On Voting

At 0630 this morning, the weather was in the high 60's, but the humidity made it feel warmer. The was a steady breeze and ths sun was out. If I didn't know any better, I'd think we were going to have a tornado.

I got to my polling place before 0800. The line was long but was moving at a fairly rapid pace. I was in line for less than half an hour and that was with the line all the way from deep inside the building, out to the back of a wide parking lot and then a right angle along the side of the much, much longer side of the parking lot.

The closer I got to the building, the more ominous the weather started looking. Thankfully, I made it inside and back out to my car before it started raining.

Based on what i witnessed locally, I think the turn out this election is going to be massive.

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Giving a Paper

Problem Statement

I randomly picked out a topic to cover and present for one of my courses and, because the programs are rather mish-mash, I'm with the last year students (I'm a second year), I'm way out of my depth with the level of the topic. Being able to present a dense 40pg chapter is not my ballpark to be exact... the paper is also not in my native language and the presentation should be 10 minutes... I don't think there's an option to 'change' the topic, but tomorrow when I have lectures I'll ask my prof about approaching the topic. I still thought maybe some of you have advice on how to tackle dense papers/situations like this without getting completely strewn up in it.

My Solution

Give the talk in your native langauge. If the professor tries to fail you for your performance, call him a racist and threaten to sue the school if he does'nt give you an "A".



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