The headline is enraging; the story was even more so…or is it?
The American Heart Association releases a paper that claims that mRNA COVID vaccines cause heart inflammation. Twitter, being the bastion of liberalism, applied a “Harmful” warning label on a link to the abstract of the paper, presumably because Twitter is covering for Fauci et. al.
The author of the paper? Steven Gundry…Steven Gundry…where do I know that name from?
Oh yeah, he’s the guy that claims that most vegetables and plenty of non-vegetables contain lectins and that lectins are bad for your heart. But not to worry–Gundry has the solution to the problem (of course)! Buy his supplements to rid yourself of those lectins.
Looking at Gundry’s Wikipedia page (, we discover that Gundry is not a trained nutritionist and that may heal care professionals dispute his lectin claims. Anecdotally (and we know the plural of anecdote is data) I can attest to having seen his ads on YouTube and thought he was a quack.
Gundry could be way ahead of the curve on lectins. Or he could be a quack; I don’t have the qualifications, or, more importantly, the knowledge to asses his claims. And just because Gundry is likely wrong about lectins and is trying to make extra bucks doesn’t makes him an uncredible witness on every subject (though the lack of credibility speaks to his character).
Grundry isn’t the only one that that’s claimed heart problems from the jab. There have been reports of heart problems–including heart failure shortly after getting jabbed, like soccer players falling while on the field (source:
So, yes: Grudry’s paper may, in fact, be wrong. If that’s the case, he deserves to be called out, preferably by other papers that refute his paper point by point. And if he’s right? There should be more papers that confirm and extend his research.